Avoid watering during the hottest part of the day: Watering when the sun is at its peak can cause rapid evaporation, leaving little time for the plants to absorb moisture. 

Steer clear of watering in the evening: Dampness overnight can promote fungal diseases, so it's best to give your plants time to dry before the cooler evening temperatures set in. 

Don't water during a rainstorm: Let nature take its course! If it's already raining, save your efforts for another day when your plants truly need it. 

Skip watering during strong winds: Wind can quickly blow away water droplets, preventing them from reaching the plant's roots effectively. 

Hold off watering before a freeze: Watering before a freeze can create ice on the plant's foliage, which can cause damage. Wait until temperatures rise above freezing. 

Avoid watering when the soil is still wet: Overwatering can lead to root rot and other problems, so check the soil's moisture level before reaching for the watering can. 

Don't water immediately after fertilizing: Give your plants some time to absorb the nutrients before adding more moisture, as it may wash away the fertilizer before it has a chance to work. 

Limit watering during dormant periods: When plants are dormant, they require less water. Adjust your watering schedule accordingly to avoid excess moisture sitting around.Â